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62 total results found


Animation Art Terminology

The cleaned dougas are then sent to the in-betweeners to animate the weird in between pieces that are between key cels/sketches.  Some are great looking others can just be awkward because they were never meant to be seen!  The way to identify an in-between is ...

Layout (レイアウト)

Animation Art Terminology

Layout  drawings (レイアウト) are sketches of a scene. They will be more detailed than a storyboard, but still rougher than the final animation. Where a final animation drawing will be dedicated to a particular cel layer, a layout drawings will generally contain el...

Rough Genga

Animation Art Terminology

Rough gengas are usually a precursor to the next step they can be detailed bet generally they are VERY rough and in some cases almost stick figures to help plan out the movement of the character (s)  in the sequence.  Most times these sketches are not numbered...

Settei Sets/Model Sheets (設定)

Animation Art Terminology

Settei/Models (設定) are drawn by a character designer and define what a character should look like. Everyone involved in production (primary animators, "in-betweeners", directors, etc.) will reference settei/models to ensure that the characters look uniform. Wh...


Animation Art Terminology

A Shuusei is another word for a correction, a shuusei is drawn by the Animation Director of the episode and sometimes if you are lucky you will find one done by the Chief Animation Director...  It depends on how hands on both directors are and how important th...

Storyboard (絵コンテ)

Animation Art Terminology

Like live action TV, animation production involves storyboards. In both cases, storyboards are used to show the flow of a scene, character positions, movement, camera angles, tone, etc. A storyboard may include notes about or lines from a scene. Additionally, ...

Timing Sheet (タイムシート)

Animation Art Terminology

Timing sheets contain instructions on how each part of a sequence/cut are to be animated for a scene.  Please see "How to Read a Timing Sheet" for even more detail.  Front of timing sheet from Episode 23 Cut 225 of anime Darker Than Black. Back of timin...

Fan Cel (同人セル)

Animation Art Terminology Non-Production Cels

Fan cels are unofficial fan made works. They are typically made by hand inking, printing, or photocopying lines onto acetate. They are then painted with acrylic or cel vinyl paints. Artists can be commissioned to recreate images that would otherwise be difficu...

Rilezu (リレイズ)

Animation Art Terminology Non-Production Cels

A Rilezu is a newish sort of reproduction, they are not Production pieces persay, however, a true rilezu comes in an edition of 1 and based upon the final production douga of one of the more famous sequences.  Each rilezu will be hand painted and in some cases...

Reproduction Cel (複製)

Animation Art Terminology Non-Production Cels

Reproduction or Repro cels very much resemble a regular cel. They are usually hand-painted on acetate and may have peg-holes and a sequence number. The background is usually a color print out. They were typically made for shows that were CGI so no actual cel...


Animation Art Terminology Non-Production Cels

In the 80's/90's, Do it Yourself/DIY cel kits were released for fans to paints themselves. The lines came preprinted onto acetate and you could buy the paints separately and apply the paint according to the color guide. Pre-printed lineart of a Dororo (どろろ)...

Vinegar Syndrome: What is it and why should I care?


Before and after images of a cel affected by Vinegar syndrome. This cel is from She-Ra: Princess of Power (1980s). Vinegar Syndrome is something every animation art collector should be aware of. It is a condition where the cellulose nitr...

Cel Pricing


How much should I pay?  And why? This topic is very personal and there is no "right" answer.  The value of an animation piece is based on many factors. Below is a list of some of the things that can impact prices and should be kept in mind when hunting for yo...

How to Read a Timing Sheet


Timing sheets can be difficult to read and might look like a different language at face value. In this guide, we'll look through two examples of increasing difficulty from the hit series Naruto. By the end of the guide, hopefully you can get a feel for how tim...

Framing, the right and wrong way to do it.


[This resource is in progress . Consider visiting this link for general guidance:] General tips: DO NOT use tape directly on your animation art pieces. This will cause damage such as "burns" to your ar...

Quick Guide to Types of Non-Production Animation Art / Cels


A question that comes up often is, " is this cel/sketch real ?" Most animation art collectors want to buy the art that was actually used to produce the image they see on screen of their favorite movie or show. This becomes tricky though because there is a larg...

How to Spot a Fake


[This page is a work in progress] To help demonstrate how to check if a cel or sketch is fake we will examine a few examples of fake animation artwork in detail below. Exhibit 1: A fake Nausicaä sketch Here is douga which claims to be from Nausicaä of the V...

Collector's Pages

Links and Resources

This is a partial list of various art collectors galleries spanning the globe!  If your gallery is not listed please add it to share with others. acetateaddiction's gallery: anime jewell's gallery: backwardpaint's gallery: bakainu's gallery: betamax's ...


Links and Resources

This is a list of communities that may or may not focus exclusively on animation art collecting, but will hold at least some interest or relevant information for those who do. Anime Cel Collectors: A private facebook group for art collectors to learn from...


Links and Resources

This is a list of resources that may be helpful to collectors who are looking for marketplaces to buy, sell, trade, and post want lists. Anime Cel Collectors - Sales Group: A private facebook group focused on collectors posting sales and wantlists. Anime...