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This is a list of communities that may or may not focus exclusively on animation art collecting, but will hold at least some interest or relevant information for those who do.

  • Anime Cel Collectors: A private facebook group for art collectors to learn from one another about our fascinating hobby. Note no sales are allowed in this group; a separate group exists just for sales.
  • Animanga: One of the last remaining historic cel communities pre-existing the dotcom. Useful searchable forum threads, archives, and the cels ring gallery.
  • Anime-Beta: A web forum for people who collect animation art with a (not surprising) focus on anime. The community has been around for more than a decade and, while not as active as it once was, contains a large amount of useful information.
  • JACML: A free mailing list used by cel members and a few dealers announcing sales and updates.
  • Rubberslug: A website and forum offering free gallery hosting for animation art collectors. Many long-time collectors use Rubberslug to display their collections. However, in recent years the site has been plagued with long periods of downtime.