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Timing Sheet (タイムシート)

Timing sheets contain instructions on how each part of a sequence/cut are to be animated for a scene. 

Please see "How to Read a Timing Sheet" for even more detail. 

Front of timing sheet from Episode 23 Cut 225 of anime Darker Than Black.DarkerThanBlack_Ep23Cut225_timesheet_front.jpgdj0SIruyrS7j1sJw-DarkerThanBlack_Ep23Cut225_timesheet_front.jpg

Back of timing sheet from Episode 23 Cut 225 of anime Darker Than Black.DarkerThanBlack_Ep23Cut225_timesheet.jpgLo075IUFQ4ZEjYdP-DarkerThanBlack_Ep23Cut225_timesheet.jpg